PrivateLike help you to save the twits you like, it is like the function of twitter Bookmark, but focus on user privacy, because nobody know who you are, and what twit you have liked, including me.
I have not way to share user data with third parties under any circumstances.
The site does not and will never show ads.
All revenue comes from paid subscriptions.
You are free to use PrivateLike locally, and not to give the site your real name.
What you save on PrivateLike is your own business, and with the exception of illegal or abusive content, will not be moderated by the site.
PrivateLike does not store your payment information. Payment is handled through Stripe.
PrivateLike earns all of its revenue through user subscriptions, and has no business relationship with large surveillance-based platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Amazon or Google.
PrivateLike save the twit you like in your local storage, if you pay subscription, the data will also save in server side, to prevent data loss because you might clean you local storage by other App or yourself, or you might change a computer. Note that, PrivateLike only do not save your real userID, so that nobody know who you are, what you like.
If there is a privacy breach, I promise to disclose it as soon as possible on the site blog and Twitter account.
If you choose to delete your account, all your data will be removed after a 30-day waiting period.
If you spot a privacy leak, please report it to Send Email: or DM me @twitter.
While I do my best to keep data private and secure, please do not store truly sensitive information on PrivateLike.